Aphrodisiac – Introduction

Aphrodisiac, none of the various forms of stimulation thought to cause sexual stimulation. Aphrodisiacs can be classified into two major groups:

  • Psychophysiological (visual, touch, olfactory, aura) and
  • Internal medicines, love medicine, originating from medical preparations.

Despite a long-standing literary and popular interest in the inner aphrodisiac, he has been studied almost no scientifically.

7 Aphrodisiac Foods That Increase Your Libido

Aphrodisiac is a food or medicine that arouses sexual tendencies, brings desire, or enhances sexual pleasure or performance. Innumerable medicinal drugs are available and marketed especially for their libido-enhancing effects.

However, some people with natural alternatives, as they are generally safe and have fewer side effects. It is value noting that many aphrodisiacs do not support the scientific evidence, and some natural products may have negative effects. If you are thinking of taking supplements, talk to your doctor first.

1. Aphrodisiac – Maca

maca - Aphrodisiac

Maca is a sweet-rooted vegetable with many health benefits. In South America, people usually use it to boost fertility, and its nickname is Peru Viagra. It is mainly produce in the mountains of central Peru and is related to crucified vegetables including broccoli, cauliflower, kale, and cabbage.

2. Aphrodisiac – Tribulus

Tribulus tapestries, also known as bind, is an annual plant that grows in dry climates.
The manufacturers of supplements often claim that they can increase libido.

Studies have suggested that it may increase testosterone levels in some animals, but science has not proven that it can increase testosterone levels in humans. Or it can increase fertility.

3. Ginkgo Biloba

Ginkgo biloba is an herbal supplement that is one of the first species of trees – the Ginkgo Biloba tree.
Outmoded Chinese medicine uses it to treat many diseases, as well as unhappiness and poor sexual purpose. Ginkgo biloba is thought to act as an aphrodisiac by helping to relax blood vessels and increase blood flow.

4. Inflamed Ginseng

A special type – red ginseng – is commonly used to treat a variety of diseases, including low libido and sexual function in men and women.

Several studies have shown that red ginseng is more effective than placebo in improving erectile function.

5. Fenugreek

"Fenugreek - Aphrodisiac

Fenugreek an annual plant cultivates all over the world. Its seeds are most usually used in South Asian cuisine, but it is also popular in Ayurvedic medicine as an anti-inflammatory and libido-boosting treatment. And perhaps it’s for good reason – this herb contains compounds that the body can use to make sex hormones like estrogen and testosterone.

6. Pistachio Nuts

Aphrodisiac - nuts

Society has been eating pistachios since 6,000 BC. They have nutritious value and are rich in protein, fiber, and healthy fats. Pistachios can have a change of health benefits, including helping with low blood pressure, managing weight, and reducing the risk of heart disease.

7. Saffron


Saffron is a spice obtain from the Crocus sativus flower. It is a native of Southwest Asia and is one of the poshest spices by weight. This spice is often used as an alternate remedy to help treat depression, reduce stress, and increase mood.

Do Natural Aphrodisiacs Work?


There is little evidence to support the effectiveness of most substances that are understood as natural aphrodisiacs – natural substances that can enhance sexual function.

Certain foods and supplements sometimes claim to affect libido. These include chocolate, spicy food, and Sau palmetto. But research has found that they usually don’t work to generate a sexual response in men or women.

Some early evidence is a bit more encouraging for some natural supplements, but more research needs. These include ginkgo, ginseng, maca, and Tribulus.

To see if they are natural aphrodisiacs, there is no harm in trying most foods. But keep in mind that some supplements that contain insect or plant extracts can be toxic (toxic). For example, the Spanish fly, commonly advertised natural aphrodisiac, can cause kidney damage and bleed in the digestive tract.
Famous aphrodisiac foods that are not supported by strong scientific evidence.

Many other foods are said to have aphrodisiac properties, but there is little scientific evidence to support these claims.

Here Are Some Popular Examples – Aphrodisiac

Chocolate: Compounds in cocoa often considers to have aphrodisiac effects, especially in women. However, the studies provide little evidence to support this belief.

Oysters: While a study has reported that mice may have some of their libido-enhancing effects, the libido-enhancing properties of oysters in humans have.

Chest berry: Studies show that it can affect fruit hour.
Reduces the symptoms of pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS) in women. However, there is no evidence that it offers any libido-enhancing benefits.

Honey: It has reportedly been used for centuries to bring romance to weddings. A variety called “crazy honey” is also market as a sexual stimulant. Nevertheless, no study supports this, and it can contain dangerous toxins.

Epimedium: Also identified as horny goat weed, it is popular in traditional Chinese medicine for treating diseases such as erectile dysfunction. Cell and animal studies provide Some initial support for this experiment, but human studies are needs.

Hot peppers: According to popular belief, capsaicin, which gives the hot peppers a tartness, stimulates the nerve endings on the tongue, causing sex drive. There is the release of enhancing chemicals. However, no study supports this belief.

Alcohol: Alcohol can act as an aphrodisiac by helping both men and women relax and get into the mood. However, consuming more alcohol can reduce arousal and sexual activity, so abstinence is important.


When it comes to enhancing sex drive, the list of foods with potentially aphrodisiac properties is too long. However, only a small fraction of these alleged aphrodisiacs supports by science.

If you’re interest in trying out science-back options, you can start with small amounts and increase the dose depending on your tolerance. In addition, it is important to note that natural aphrodisiacs can interact with certain medications.

If you are currently taking the medicine, be sure to contact your healthcare provider before trying these foods and herbs.