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Lexapro and Weight Loss, Lexapro and Weight Loss.

Lexapro and Weight Loss, Lexapro and Weight Loss-weight gain while taking Lexapro is not uncommon. The pills often prescribed to treat depression, or anxiety disorders belong to a class of antidepressants called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)—these medications every list weight gain as a possible side effect.

Lexapro doesn’t reason weight gain for everyone, however. Its article explains the connection, other possible side effects, and some lifestyle changes you can make to manage Lexapro weight gain.

Lexapro and Heaviness

Many antidepressants can affect weight. For example, one study that compares weight gain and other side belongings in 100 people taking SSRI drugs found that:1

Some populace may be more likely to increase weight than others. A separate learn found that risk factors for weight gain include:2

Why Lexapro Causes Weight

Lexapro and Weight Loss, Lexapro and Weight Loss-A person taking Lexapro may experience weight gain, especially during ongoing use. That risk may carry on for up to six years.3 There are many reasons why this may happen.

One of Lexapro’s weight gain mechanisms is that it increases serotonin levels, which plays a role in weight management.

Additionally, Lexapro may add to a person’s appetite, which usually leads to eating more and ahead weight. The populace, who take some of the newer antidepressants, including Lexapro, may have a slightly higher rate of weight gain.4

How Much Weight Gain is General Employing Lexapro?

Weight gain when taking Lexapro depend on the person. One examination review establishes that after nine months of treatment with Lexapro, participants experience a moderate weight gain of 1.1 kilograms.5

Lexapro Weight Defeat

though less common, weight defeat is also a possible side consequence of Lexapro. There are some reports in which the populace lost weight when they first started taking Lexapro, but there is not much support to reverse this.

As serotonin levels increase and people experience symptom relief, some will have more energy, leading to a desire to become more active. Also, some people may find that they can stop their unhealthful consumption patterns, such as binge eating. Together could lead to weight loss.

The Effect of Depression or Worry on Heaviness

Both sadness and anxiety can affect a person’s appetite. It can cause someone to have less desire or locate less happiness in eating. For example, a few people may feel too anxious to eat. Other populace may find comfort in food and develop binge eating habits.


Lexapro and Weight Loss-Depression can impact all aspects of existence, such as work, relations, and eating behavior. Most people with depression knowledge approach deep sorrow. Other symptoms of sadness may include loss of interest in their behavior and relationships, fatigue, and low appetite or overeating.

One study from Finland examined the potential link between depression and being severely overweight due to emotional eating.6 Emotional eating is when someone eats in response to unenthusiastic feelings. This study established that adults with depression who engage in moving to eat tended to increase heaviness.

As Lexapro helps to improve your sadness symptoms, you may begin to see changes in your eating habits or power levels. These changes could eventually impact your weight.


Many types of anxiety chaos include sweeping nervousness disorder or social anxiety disorder. If you have a nervousness disorder, your body goes into fight-or-flight mode more often or for an extended period than the average individual.

A fight-or-flight reply can result in physical symptoms that affect the digestive system, such as constipation, indigestion, and nausea. These symptoms may make a being so uncomfortable that they do not want to eat, or food may become unappetizing.

People react another way to anxiety or anxiety. For some people, mild pressure may cause them to overeat. For others, severe anxiety may cause them to lose their appetite altogether. Stress, which links to anxiety, can also impact your weight.


Lexapro and Weight Loss, Lexapro and Weight Loss-While Lexapro is effective at treating gloominess and anxiety disorders, it may cause not needed weight gain or loss. The treatment affects the neurotransmitter serotonin, which is concerned with weight control.

Not all weight changes are bad. As your symptoms get better, you may also notice changes in your weight. If you are concerned about this, make out to a healthcare provider.

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