Tips to Enhance Natural Beauty

Massage your Face – Natural Beauty

Natural Beauty – We cannot stress enough the benefits of facial massage. Puffy skin, fewer fine lines, increased circulation. Of course, you can opt for a technique performed by a professional, such as a Kotido massage, but spend 5 to 10 minutes a day to self-massage your face. Taking the time is undoubtedly the best. The resolution beauty we’ll take this year! You’re done with good quality jojoba, sweet almond or coconut oil, and gentle gestures (always up and out).

Blow-dry your hair with a t-shirt. The T-shirt has it all more absorbent than a towel and is softer for hair. We choose it instead of cotton and wrap it around our wet hair when we get out of the shower. Then sponge gently without rubbing. A good habit is avoiding knots, split ends and breakage.

Sleep on 2 Pillows

Instead of one, We know that puffy eyes when you wake up. Elevating your head with another pillow during the night improves lymphatic circulation and prevents fluid accumulation in the face stops. That was enough to think!

Take a Steam Bath

It is a necessary step in treating the institution, and yet we rarely think about taking a steam bath at home. Dilating our pores removes impurities from our skin and prevents the formation of blackheads and comedowns. Done before the cleansing mask, it increases its effectiveness tenfold. So neither one side nor two, we fill a bowl with boiling water (with 2 or 3 drops of essential oil if desired) and put our faces under a cloth for 10 minutes.

Sleep with your Hair Tied

When you go to bed with your hair loose, the friction wears it down, tangles and eventually breaks it. In addition, the residue of styling products and oils naturally present on the length can also cause acne on the parts of the face that are in contact with the hair. So it’s set: Starting tonight, we pick one of these hairstyles for sleepovers.

Drink Lemonade

Lemon recognize as an anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antiviral ingredient. You are advised to drink empty stomach in the morning by mixing it with lukewarm water for a detox. Result? A creature on top that presents more radiant skin is less prone to imperfections.

Sleep on your Back

Did you know: People who sleep on their stomach or side have more wrinkles than those who sleep on their back. It’s mechanical: By subjecting our facial skin to stress and friction night and night, it loses its elasticity and experiences the effects of ageing more quickly. We agree that changing such a habit isn’t easy, but ultimately, it costs nothing to try.

Prepare your Skin – Natural Beauty

Prepare your Skin

If you’re wondering how to look beautiful without makeup and feel confident naturally, know that exfoliation can make a big difference. By removing dead cells, you’ll make your skin softer and more radiant and have the perfect base for other treatments in your beauty routine, which brings us to the next step.

Remember that you look beautiful without makeup and feel naturally confident, then know that exfoliation can make a big difference. By removing dead cells, you’ll make your skin softer and more radiant and have the perfect base for other treatments in your beauty routine, which brings us to the next step if you have little time in the morning or at the end of a long day.

In addition to the soothing feeling it provides, hydration makes skin more beautiful and softer and can protect it from the elements if you choose a formula with SPF. The sun has a beneficial effect on morale, but it can be harmful to the skin. Protecting yourself from UV rays is one of the best ways to preserve your natural beauty and maintain a glowing complexion all year round.

In order to feel beautiful without makeup, it is essential to include these gestures in your beauty routine. But we’ve got you covered if you want a little extra boost to accentuate your face without resorting to contouring or eyeshadow.


Let’s now add some sparkle to our routine. Investing in quality whitening toothpaste is a great way to smile without makeup and gain the confidence to enhance your natural beauty. There’s no shortage of options, and they all work differently. If the thought of using abrasive and bleaching products puts you off, you can always try something gentler.

The science of color inspires white Now technology with optical brighteners: delicate blue sapphire pigments combine with the unique colors of your enamel to eliminate yellowish tints, turning white in the blink of an eye. You will finally have the courage to smile and let your beauty shine.

Whatever products you use, taking care of your skin and teeth is a great way to look even more beautiful naturally. A radiant complexion and a fair smile will give you the confidence to express yourself completely.