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Vitamins Supplement – Introduction, Vitamins, Immune System, and More


What are Vitamins, and How do they Work?

Vitamins are organic compounds that people need in small quantities. Most vitamins need to come from food because the body either does not produce them or produces very little.

Each organism has different vitamin requirements. For example, humans need to get vitamin C from their diets – while dogs can produce all the vitamin C they need.

Vitamin D is not available in sufficient quantities in food for humans. The human body synthesizes vitamins when exposed to sunlight, and it is the best source of vitamin D.

Different vitamins play different roles in the body, and a person needs an additional amount of each to stay healthy.

What are Vitamins?

Vitamins are the organic matter present in small amounts in natural foods. Too small amounts of a particular vitamin may increase the risk of specific health problems.
Vitamins are an organic compound, which means it contains carbon. It is also an essential nutrient that the body may need to get from food.

7 Vitamins to Strengthen the Immune System

Vitamin A

It has the characteristic of affecting specific parts of the immune system. Vitamin A is essential for the immune system as it stimulates lymphocytes’ production (and activity), a type of white blood cell. Lymphocytes attack invading agents and help the body make proteins called antibodies, which will keep future infections at bay.

Good sources of vitamin A for your immune system: dairy, broccoli, eggs, and kale.

Vitamin C

The “first line of defense” in the fight against germs and infections is the linings of the nose, intestines, and lungs, in which collagen plays an important role. And vitamin C is essential when it comes to synthesizing collagen. Without it, the body cannot produce it; therefore, these coatings need vitamin C to stay in shape.

It also helps the immune system react to viruses and infections, increasing the production of white blood cells, enzymes and antibodies. It also has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, critical elements limiting the damage caused by radicals released during an immune response.

Good sources of vitamin C: citrus fruits, kiwis, berries, peppers and spinach.

Vitamin E

It is a powerful antioxidant that acts on cells, strengthening cell walls. This strengthening boosts the function of T lymphocytes (white blood cells that act as “soldiers” of the immune system) and reduces inflammation.

When a T cell identifies a pathogen, it divides again and again until it reaches a number capable of defeating the invader. But this response does not work correctly if oxidative stress, such as that caused by smoking, mental focus, and inadequate nutrition.

Good sources of vitamin E: vegetable oils, nuts and other dried fruits and seeds.

Vitamin d

Vitamin D is one of the essential vitamins in the immune system. It activates T lymphocytes when needed in the event of an infection, but without allowing them to overreact. It also regulates the production of cytokines.

Some sources of vitamin D for our immune system: are fish oils and eggs.

Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)

It is vital for the health of red blood cells, which also play a fundamental role in the functioning of the immune system. In addition, it has an antioxidant effect, which strengthens the system.

Sources of vitamin B2: lean meats, eggs, and green vegetables.
vitamin B67 Vitamins strengthen the immune system

Vitamin Supplements

According to research, many people in the United States take multivitamins and other supplements, although these may not be necessary or helpful.

A balanced, varied diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables should be the primary source of vitamins. The Department of Health and Human Services provides up-to-date guidelines detailing the best ways to get enough nutrients from the diet.

However, in some cases, fortified foods and supplements may be suitable for people with restricted diets and specific health, such as during pregnancy. For people with problems.

Maximum dosage, as research shows that taking too much of any vitamin can lead to health problems.
In addition, some medicines may interact with vitamin supplements. Overall, talking to a healthcare provider is essential before trying any supplement.


Vitamins are a significant part of a healthy diet. For almost all of them, the recommended daily amount has been set, i.e. the amount most healthy people take each day to stay healthy is needed. The upper safety limit (the maximum amount that can be ingested) has also been set for some of them. If consumed excessively, the risk of harmful effects (poisoning) will increase.


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