Introduction Guava is a tropical fruit, and it is produced in Venezuela, Colombia, and Mexico. And it is eaten fresh and made into beverages. Guavas skin and leaf are used as home remedies in some conditions. There are some people who believe that guava is related to the person getting cold and this also might be true. It also has many health benefits. It is also helpful in some dangerous health problems like diabetes, cough, blood pressure, and many types of cancer.  And also, has some unique flavor, a fruity, and tangy smell, and beautiful color. Therefore, some of the things can attract anyone towards guava.

Guava is loaded with lycopene, fiber, and antioxidants, vitamin C. And the nutrients can manage diabetes, protect the heart, and promote digestive health.

Types of Guavas

Most guava trees have similar characteristics, while some thrive in colder climates and grow up to 12 feet tall. Others grown in warmer climates reach up to 20 feet. Guava plants should be well taken care of during the winter season. However, for all the fitness enthusiasts, guava can be a great weight loss agent. Below is a list of different sorts of guavas.

1. Pink and red varieties of guava

This guava is also called desert guava and usually has a sweet taste and appears pink in color. This variety of guava is easily available in the market near you. It is often sold in Hong Kong and has a smoother texture with fewer seeds. This item is believed to be of high quality.

2. White and yellow guava

This variety is usually acidic and mild without any odor. The inner layer appears pale white or yellow while the skin appears green when ripe. This variety may also turn pink when ripe.

Note: Although there are many types of guava, but all of them are said to be powerhouses of healthy nutrients. Amazing benefits of Guava

Frequently Asked Questions – Benefits of Guava

Frequently Asked Questions - Benefits of Guava

What is Guava?

The leaves of guava along with its fruits have medicinal properties that can help you in case you develop any side effects. However, it is better to eat in moderation than what you eat. Below are some frequently asked questions that will help you get information about guava fruit and their some health benefits.

Is guava fruit suggested for people with diabetes?

Most diabetic patients advises to eat apples, but guava can also be eaten as a snack for diabetics. It is rich in dietary fiber and can help relieve constipation and may help reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes. It covers high levels of vitamin C which can be beneficial for a number of health issues . Guava is a queen of fruits, can consume once daily and include in you fitness regimen as diabetic.

Is eating boiled eggs with guava fruit hazardous?

It is a healthy fruit that can be eaten but can cause allergic reactions in some people. Likewise, some people may have an allergy to eggs as well. If you want to eat both boiled eggs and guava together, it advise to consult a doctor and take medical advice.

What is the difference between pink guava and white guava?

Logically, both are similar, but what draws the distinct line between the two is their color and taste. Both the guava breeds have similar benefits to the other. Both these breeds are found in different countries of the world. Although the difference between the two lies in their color and taste.

What is the best time to have guava?

Guava should be eaten at any time except on an empty stomach. This also applies to bananas. This is because if your body is to take advantage of this fruit, there must be some food in your stomach to digest and mix it. Also keep in mind that they should be taken only after 30 minutes of eating food.

Nutritional Facts – Guava

Nutritional Facts - Guava

100 grams of guava contains:

  • Calories: 68
  • Total carbohydrates: 14 grams
  • Sugar: 9 grams
  • Fiber: 5 grams
  • Protein: 2.6 grams
  • Fat: 1 gram
  • Saturated fat: 0.3 grams
  • Sodium: 2 mg
  • Potassium: 417 mg
  • Vitamin C: 228.3 milligrams
  • Vitamin B6: 5% of the RDA
  • Vitamin B9: 12% of the RDA

Calorie content of guava per serving is reasonable considering its exceptional quality. It is very low in fat and high in fiber and protein. The sugar content in guava gives it its unique sugariness.

Other B vitamin components such as niacin, thiamin and riboflavin are present in significant amounts. Small amounts of vitamins A and K are also present. Apart from this, manganese, phosphorus and magnesium are present in good amounts in guava. Some other minerals such as zinc, calcium and iron are present in lesser amounts.

Ways to Consume Guava

Ways to Consume Guava – A fully loaded fruit ripe guava has a sweet taste. Firstly, check the guavas with pale yellow or green skin. Ripe guavas are soft when to touch similar to ripe avacados. Always try to chose the sweatest recepie from all the below recipes.

The easiest way to eat guava is to eat it as it is. The whole fruit is eatable, including the seeds and peel. You can also cut up whole fruits like apples. Also, those who don’t like the crust can scoop out the flesh with a spoon.

Additionally, you can eat guava with chili powder or black pepper and salt. Cut the guava into slices and sprinkle some chili powder and salt over the flesh. The spicy and salty flavor complements the sweetness of the fruit perfectly.

Pairing guava with other fruits is also important. Increases the potency of the fruit plate. Cut the guava along with the rest of the fruits and add it to the fruit salad.

It is a healthy dessert or snack option. Also, guavas taste wonderful in coleslaw.

Guava juice is a great alternative to eating the fruit. The pleasant flavor and soft flesh make it a good choice for blending into smoothies. Also, you can puree guava pieces with some milk to make a smoothie.

Also, water the juice down a bit and add some other fruits of your choice, chia seeds, and  some raw honey, and nuts.

Make a chutney by cooking guava with a little jaggery powder. The sauce works well with pancakes, yogurt and oatmeal.

Guavas add a delicious flavor to ice cream, jellies and desserts. Hence, it makes for a healthy dessert option as well as satisfying your sweet tooth. As per

Precautions – Guava

Precautions - Guava

While there are many benefits of consuming guava, there are a few precautions or things to keep in mind before including it in your daily diet. They are as follows:

People who are pregnant or breast-feeding: There is no conclusive evidence that guava as a medicine is safe for pregnant or breast-feeding women. So to be safe, consume them in minimum quantity like regular fruits. Also, make sure to wash and peel the skins of guava before eating, so that the chances of ingesting harmful bacteria reduces. Most importantly, consult your doctor before taking any type of supplement.

Diabetics: We know that guava can lower blood sugar. However, diabetics should keep a check on their blood sugar levels while consuming guava.

Patients with skin conditions: Guava leaf extract might contain chemicals that irritate your skin. It can aggravate skin conditions like eczema. So, if you are suffering from eczema or other similar conditions, eat guava with caution or avoid it completely.

Patients with upcoming surgery: People who are about to undergo any kind of surgery should try to avoid guava for two weeks. This is because guava may interfere with blood sugar control or increase the risk of bleeding during and/or after surgery. As said

Guava leaf juice may also cause abdominal pain, nausea or bloating as a temporary side effect. More benefits of Guava You must know,


Guava is a magical fruit. It is light yellow or light green guavas are the most ripe. Its mild sweetness and soft flesh make it a delicious fruit choice. As of 2019, India is a major producer of guava. Allahabad Saveda and Sardar are the most popular varieties in India.

It is high in fiber and packed with vitamins and minerals. They are rich in Vitamin C for boosting immunity and healing the skin. It is a diabetes-friendly fruit that also promotes healthy heart functioning.

The extract of guava leaves has tremendous power. Hence, it helps in digestion and provides relief from menstrual pain. Some studies also say that it has anticarcinogenic properties.